The Global Deafblindness Resource Centre brings together information about supporting a person with deafblindness.

Support from Sense International

We know that each person with deafblindness connects, communicates and experiences the world differently, and so their requirements, preferences and support needs will vary. We also know that it isn’t always easy to find the right support and advice.

The Sense International Family offers a wealth of expertise. You can access more information and additional resources by visiting some of the following places:

Sense International India
Sense International Kenya
Sense International Peru
Sense International Romania
Sense UK

Alternatively, contact your nearest Sense International office for further help and advice.

Support from other organisations

Depending on where you are in the world, there might be other organisations that are able to provide additional help, support and advice. You may wish to visit some of the following places:

Deafblind International (DbI)
An international not-for-profit membership organisation focused on the needs of individuals who are deafblind, their families, and the professionals who provide services.

A non-profit research and educational team helping to improve the lives of children with developmental disabilities and their families.

World Federation of the Deafblind
A global non-governmental advocacy organisation by and for persons with deafblindness.