Who is this useful for?
Parents, caregivers and special educators of persons with deafblindness/multiple disabilities
The training manual on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) is designed to empower parents, caregivers, and educators to address the sensitive yet essential topic of SRHR for individuals with deafblindness and multiple disabilities. Developed by Sense International India, this manual provides a structured guide to building awareness, promoting inclusivity, and enabling informed discussions on topics like consent, relationships, and body autonomy.
With a focus on overcoming cultural barriers and misconceptions, the manual equips participants with communication strategies, practical tools, and an inclusive approach to SRHR education. It emphasizes the collective responsibility of educators, parents, and caregivers to foster safe, respectful, and supportive environments for the holistic development of individuals with disabilities
Training Manual on SRHR for Parents-Caregivers and Special Educators_GRH
Microsoft Word - text only