Who is this useful for?

People with deafblindness, parents/caregivers, education professionals and general public.

Date of publication
January 2025
Created by
Sense International Romania
Sense International UK
Available language versions

This is a brief presentation of some of the rights of people with disabilities, as they are described in the articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. This is not a legal document. 

On this page you will find the following information: 

What is a convention

What is the United Nations Organisation? 

What is the meaning of rights?- links to Article 1 

What is the meaning of disability?- links to Article 2 

A few words- Communication and Discrimination – links to Article 2 

Equal rights – links to Article 3&5 

Girls and women with disabilities- links to Article 6 

Children with disabilities- links to Article 7 

Freedom, safety, protection – links to Article 14,15,16&17 

Independent life, mobility – links to Article 19&20 

Family – links to Article 23 

Education – links to Article 24 

Health- links to Article 25 

Fun, good times and sports- links to Article 30 

What is a convention? 

A convention is a document created by people from many countries all over the world. 

The Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities is formed by 50 articles about various rights of people with disabilities. 

The convention establishes what countries should do so that people with disabilities enjoy the same rights as everyone else. 

What is the United Nations Organisation? 

The United Nations Organisation is formed by 193 countries from all over the world. These countries work together for peace in the world, for friendship among countries and for a better life for people, including for the life of children with disabilities. 

What is the meaning of rights? 

All children, including children with disabilities, have equal rights. All rights are important. 

For example, children with disabilities have the right to go to school, to be healthy, to work when they grow up, to live a happy life, as well as other rights in the Convention. The Convention ensures that countries respect these rights. 

This is related to Article 1, Purpose, of the convention 

What is the meaning of disability? 

People with disabilities include those who, for a longer period of time, have difficulties walking, seeing, hearing, learning or doing various activities, due to some barriers around them. 

This is related to Article 1, Purpose, of the convention. 

A few words – communication and discrimination

COMMUNICATION means the various ways in which people with disabilities can understand and transmit messages, for examples language like sign language, Braille, computers and technologies. 

DISCRIMINATION is when you are treated differently than other people or you are excluded because of disability. 

This is related to Article 2, Definition, of the convention. 

Equal rights 

  • People are free to make their own choices. 
  • No one will be discriminated. 
  • People with disabilities have the same rights to be part of the society, just like everyone else. 
  • People with disabilities, including children with disabilities, must be respected the way they are. 
  • All people must have equal opportunities and equal access. 
  • Men and women must have equal opportunities. 

This is related to Article 3, General principles, and Article 5, Equality and non-discrimination, of the convention. 

Girls and women with disabilities 

All countries agree that girls and women with disabilities are treated unfairly and unequally. 

So, countries must make sure that they have the equal rights, opportunities and liberties as boys and men do. 

This is related to Article 6, Women with disabilities, of the convention. 

Children with disabilities 

Children with disabilities have the same rights as all the other children. 

In everything they do, countries must think about what is best for children with disabilities, so that they have a voice that must be heard and respected. 

This is related to Article 7, Children with disabilities, of the convention. 

Freedom, safety, protection 

Countries must protect the freedom of people with disabilities and must make sure that are not ill-treated. 

No one can be subjected to torture and punishments, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. 

No one can be subjected to exploitation, violence and abuse. 

This is related to the following Articles in the convention: 

Article 14, Liberty and security of the person 

Article 15, Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 

Article 16, Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse 

Article 17, Protecting the integrity of the person 

Independent life, mobility 

People with disabilities have the right to choose what they want to do in life and to move independently. 

Countries must make sure that they can do these things, by providing appropriate services for people with disabilities. 

This is related to the following Articles in the convention: 

Article 19, Living independently and being included in the community 

Article 20, Personal mobility 


People with disabilities have the right to a family and to personal relations. Children with disabilities have the right to live with their families. 

Countries must make sure that these rights are respected. 

This is related to Article 23, Respect for home and the family, in the convention. 


Children with disabilities have the right to go to school and learn, just like all children. 

Parents, teachers and everyone must support children to learn by using appropriate language and methods. 

This is related to Article 24, Education, in the convention. 


People with disabilities have the right to enjoy good health and access to doctors and health services. 

Parents, doctors and everyone must support children to be healthy. 

This is related to Article  25, Health, in the convention. 

Fun, good times and sports 

People with disabilities have the right to enjoy sport, cultural life and recreation, just like everyone else. 

Books, shows, museums, films and sports must be accessible for children with disabilities. 

This is related to Article 30, Participation to cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport, in the convention. 

The convention can be read in full here: 

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) | Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) 

This document was originally developed by Sense International Romania, 2020 and edited by Sense International UK in 2024 for an international audience. 

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